Pachamama Odyssey – Peru Adventure

8 Days – Caral, Nazca and KM104

One of the advantages of this hike is that by the time we reach Machu Picchu

8 Days

Price: Contact us

Limited to 10 guests


  • Internal Flights Lima – Cusco – Lima + Brother Felix
  • Private ground transportation (Confortable Vehicle)
  • Great Hotel
  • All breakfast, lunches and Dinners (Vegetarian option available)
  • Spiritual Shamans + Guide the entire trip and their expenses.
  • Entrance fees to ancient sites In Peru.
  • Entrance fees to KM104
  • Private Airplane for Nazca Lines
  • Sandbuggy Service
  • Vista Dome Train and Bus in MachuPicchu
  • Bottle drinking water every day
  • 1


    drive 3 hour to Caral is the OLDEST know city in the Americas. Developed simultaneously with the ancient cultures of mesopotamia and Egypt about 5000 years ago. The archeological site of Caral is among Peru’s most impressive ruins and makes a popular day trip from nearby Lima. The UNESCO World Heritage listed site covers an area of around 60 hectares in the arid Supe Valley. Although initially discovered back in 1948, recent excavations of Caral revealed an elaborate complex of temples, sunken plazas and some of the largest terraced pyramids in the world, leading archeologists to ponder the possibility of Caral being the fabled ‘Mother City’ of ancient civilizations. CEREMONY WITH BROTHER FELIX This site has garnered acclaim for its beautifully preserved ruins and intriguing collection of artifacts, which include a quipu (a unique knot system used by ancient Andean civilizations) and a number of musical instruments fashioned from animal bones, but significantly, no trace of warfare or weaponry afternoon check inn in the beautiful hotel for another great night, dinner on a great restaurant

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    Enjoy a great breakfast at the hotel, then drive back to Paracas with brother David Choque passing by small town in the short of the Ocean front and el Carmen were Afro Peruvian lives and see their costumes also visit for and amazing Hacienda San Jose Chincha, located 200 km south of Lima, is the home of Afro-Peruvian Culture. This dates back to the 17th century, when rich landowners imported slaves from Africa to help pick cotton and cultivate sugar on their lands, we will stay here for a great night

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    Enjoy a great breakfast at the hacienda hotel. Then we head to the wineries, to learn and experience how the Peruvians make red wine and a potent grape brandy called Pisco. During this tour, we will visit a large industrial winery and a smaller family-run winery that uses techniques introduced by the Spanish colonists. At both wineries, you are welcome to taste the wines and Pisco. Lunch together, Enjoy the oasis and perhaps take a romantic walk in the dunes finally we will have the opportunity to visit the Oasis of the Huacachina that is located just 4 miles from Ica City, to our next adventures, the Sand buggy on the Amazing desert drive and enjoy the sun set and amazing pictures, like our ancestors eyes will see. Drive for About 1:30 hours to Nazca Town. For another great night at the hotel. (Suite Room) (B, L, D) Note. No Sandals to go in the desert as the sand is really burning, Sun glasses and hats. Also we will have FELIX QUISPE SARMIENTO WITH US ALL TIMES.

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    NAZCA FLIGHT Breakfast

    starting at 7:00 a.m. Pick up at 10:00 a.m. and then private transportation to the Aeropodromo for Your private flight to see all the Nazca Lines, this time we will ask the company to shows us all new Nazca Lines recently found in the deserts of Nazca. After Your Nazca flight, visit ancient sites of ORCONA for an amazing Brother Felix Ceremonies, this is the portal, that you have experience on the Past.

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    After a great morning relax, we will pick you up after breakfast to go Cahuachi Pyramids and Chauchilla Cemetery to understand better brother Felix Background Walk and see some of the amazing ancient citadel for ceremonies and healings from brother Felix. We will include good Dinner together

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    We will leave very early to drive for 6 hour to Lima to catch our flight to Cusco with Brother FELIX. Dinner at Ollantaytambo Hotel: (B, L, D)

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    Begin today with a walk to the train station at Ollantaytambo at 5:30am. We will leave on the train at 6.10 am from Ollantaytambo. Along the way, the train follows the Urubamba River until we reach Km104 where we´ll begin our trek. You will be able to see spectacular views of farmlands, snow-capped mountains and the mighty Urubamba River; one of the sources of the Amazon River. At 104km (2000m) we begin our trek, once we´ve made sure you have everything you need. We will provide you with a packed lunch and drinks for energy. We will also take the chance now to have a group photo before visiting our first Inca site together. After an informative tour of the Inca site, we begin gradually ascending as we head for the classic Inca Trail far above. If we have clear weather, we´ll have tremendous views of Macchu Picchu, the Urubamba River and other surrounding Inca sites. After hiking for 3 hours, we will reach the most beautiful Incan site on the Inca Trail – Wiñay Wayna (Forever Young) at 2600m. This is a wonderful Incan site that many people never get to see. There is an elaborate water fountain, temples, and some agricultural terraces which provide a perfect opportunity to learn more About the way of the Incans. The scenery truly must be seen to be believed! A steep drop off, vertical cliff face, and dramatic mountains surround you. It really demonstrates of the importance of location to the Incas. From Wiñay Wayna we walk to the Sun Gate where we see the picturesque landscape of Machu Picchu below. After taking in the once in a lifetime views and getting your photos, we begin our descent to Machu Picchu for sunset. One of the advantages of this hike is that by the time we reach Machu Picchu, most of the day travelers will have already returned home and you will have it almost to yourself. After taking photos, we'll take the bus to Aguas Calientes In the afternoon we will include spiritual Massages for the ones that would love to. In the evening a delicious dinner of regional cuisine included at the In MachuPicchu town (L, B, D)

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    This morning you will enjoy the surroundings of your exclusive hotel - an intimate Andean village with terraced hills, waterfalls, stone pathways and whitewashed adobe casitas tucked away in the cloud forest. A member of National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World, the property has 12 acres of exquisite natural beauty, where 214 bird species – such as the golden-headed quetzal and the iconic Andean cock-of-the-rock – and the world’s largest native orchid collection (372 species) have been registered. After lunch, we head to the train station for a beautiful train ride back to Ollantaytambo where you will meet your private transportation TO return to Cusco where you are transferred to the Airport for you Flight Back to Lima and them Home. (B,L) End of the service.

Key: (B)reakfast (L)unch (D)inner 

HOTELES: Are listed in each day, you can get more information by entering to their Web page.

*Please note that exact pick up times and tour start times will be reconfirmed daily with Washi the Guide.

 Notes: All hikes will be at a leisurely pace and would qualify as moderate although altitude makes a difference.  None are long. You have the option to stay in town instead of participating on any hike.

  • Cell Phone, Phone Charger
  • Clock/ alarm / lock your important things at hotels
  • Bank Card authorized
  • Luggage’s lock
  • Passport
  • Camera
  • Reading and Sun Glasses
  • Cash USD and not broken dollar bills Clothes
  • Small day back Pack
  • Battle Water to refuel
  • Comfortable walking shoes and shoes you can hike in.
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Wind proof jacket, mostly clothes for mild weather 60-70 degrees F.
  • Warm jacket, hat and gloves for high altitude evenings.
  • Camera and extra battery and memory card
  • Good flash light
  • 220/ 110V ( plug) adaptor
  • Insect repellent (you can buy it there if needed)
  • Sun block, sunglasses, hat
  • Some school supplies to share with the children while visiting communities. (Pencils, Pens, notebooks etc.)
  • International airfares Home – Lima – Home
  • Extra beverages.
  • Gratuities (bellmen, waiters, guides, shamans, cooks, drivers, etc.)
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