Pachamama Odyssey – Peru Adventure

12 Day – Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machupicchu and Rainbow Mountain

Morning train to Aguas Calientes

12 Days

Price: Contact us

Limited to 10 guests


  • Internal flights (Lima – Cusco, Cusco – Lima) and airport taxes.
  • Private ground transportation the entire trip
  • Beautiful Hotel
  • Entrance fees to Machu Picchu, Rainbow Mountain, Sacred Valley, Cusco, all sites listed and Museums.
  • Tent, Sleeping bags, Matras
  • Horses for the ones needed
  • Professional cook
  • All Camping equipment
  • All breakfasts, 11 lunches. (Vegetarian option available)
  • Dinners as indicated on the itinerary
  • Shaman-trained Guide and 1 Native Shaman
  • Train fares ( Vista Dome )
  • Bus to Machu Picchu round trip
  • Bottled water daily.
  • Service for children (Hot Chocolatada and special Bread)
  • 1


    Flight from US. To Lima, Peru. Usually you will arrive in Lima around midnight. Our staff and guides will take you to the Hotel for overnight in Lima. Dinner on your own (usually on the plane.) Welcome to Peru, We will provide bottle water when arrival.

    NOTE: International flights on your own. Please contact if you need help in making International flight arrangement.

  • 2


    Lima Day Tour Breakfast starting at 6:00 am. This exciting tour begins at your hotel at 10:00 a.m. join the driver for a visit Larco Museum. This is one of the most important museums in South America, where you will discover the most extraordinary treasures from ancient Peru and visit the Huacapucllana ancient Site. Afternoon visit the popular market one of the oldest one in Miraflores – Lima, here you will try the typical fruits from Peru that are unique to this country because of the 84 Microclimate, they are chirimoya, lucuma, tumbo, aguaymanto, granadillas, nisperos, Pitujaya and Tuna depends on the season that we are here. Also, we will explain the different variety of potatoes and legumes, types of quinoa, Nueces, pecans, types of fish that are fresh as Lima is by the Ocean. Later we will visit a family home with what we have purchased in the Market as ingredients, so the homeowner family will teach us to prepare ceviche, Causa Rellena, and Lomo Saltado typical dishes of this region, also learn to prepare pisco sours with Peruvian Brandy. Prepare of the chicha morada, famous drink of Peru. Have early dinner in the house where the food is prepared as a family, to share some great experiences and share more of the variety of Peruvian culinary. Finally, Walk by the Old part of the Miraflores and Barranco Area to enjoy and understand this special places and its energy, lots of great beauty to see and enjoy. Back to the Hotel. (B, L, D)

  • 3


    After a good breakfast, morning transfer to the airport for flight to CUSCO. Fly to the Inca capital city of Cusco. Your guide and driver will pick you up from the airport in Cusco and embark upon a guided excursion through snowcapped mountains to the legendary Sacred Valley, as majestic today as it was during the reign of the Incas. Stop for a short explanation of the Awana Cancha Weaving textile center, this private place works with native communities making them Self-sufficient by sharing their ancient ways of weaving and processing the Alpaca wool in this learning place. We will stop along the way for a good lunch. You will see Inca terracing that climbs the steep valley walls and the beautiful temples of Pisac which inspire panoramic views of the jagged granite mountains. Here we will perform ceremony with our local Shaman and guide also Pisac is the location for one of the best textile markets in the Andes. There, use your bargaining skills and enjoy the local culture before you reach Urubamba Town. Exchange currency and learn about the day’s activities. Short welcoming ceremony in the afternoon at the hotel Dinner on your own. (B, L)

    Note: Sacred Valley is lower than Cusco which is why we begin here to ease your acclimation to the altitude. For your convenience, we provide water all days.

  • 4


    After a good relax and great breakfast at the Hotel, our medicine man will teach us all about this introduction to these sacred land Peru and it beautiful energy, this will be a group teaching/meditation and Sacred initiation and empowerment of the inner Priest/Priestess at the ancient place near the hotel which is incredible this sacred site will be to connect with the milky way, the stars through the water. Lunch will be provided by our amazing cook as a picnic included on the Itinerary price. After you will have a small walk around the Nature to another small ancient site that was use in the old times to store food and magical waterfall Perolniyoc. (B, L)

  • 5


    After breakfast we begin our day boarding a private bus and drive for 30 minutes to stop and visit the circular terraces of Moray – the Navel of the Earth. At this sacred site we will feel the connection with the three worlds represented by the Condor, Puma and Snake sacred animals of the Incas. See how our ancestors built an amphitheater-like structure to study different microclimates. We will also visit an amazing salt flats operation in route to Ollantaytambo, and for those who want to stretch their legs and get a little exercise, there is an opportunity to hike down into the valley for a while and meet up with the bus further down the road. Buffet Lunch at Hacienda Tunupa Restaurant in the Sacred Valley. Then, the next stop is Ollantaytambo site (9,185 ft.), a small town with an impressive Inca fortress with beautiful Inca princess baths, pink granite temples, pyramids, etc. Back to the Hotel for Another good night, Dinner on your own. (B, L)

  • 6


    After 2 hours of group teaching/meditation and Sacred ceremony. Late morning to experiencing “voluntourism”, our giving back aspect here in the Sacred Valley. There are a variety of opportunities to really get to know the locals and share your heart, love & sacred gifts with these hard working, beautiful people. We will pick meaningful projects that are sure to be a highlight of your trip depending on what the needs are in the community when we visit.

    – Take 2 Chickens per family to a community
    – Share hot chocolate and Vizcocho bread with all the children and the gifts that you brought.
    – We will build a community Library for the children.
    – Also we can include any of your ideas.

    We promise that you will be inspired and full of gratitude at the end of this day! Lunch and Dinner included. (B, L, D)

    Note: The service is included in the itinerary the Chickens and the Hot Chocolate for the children. You can brink school supplies or buy here Solar Lights for the Families, that helps in their Education and brings more opportunities to them and the mothers in the weaving activity.

  • 7


    Morning train to Aguas Calientes, specific time to be arranged. Arrive at beautiful hotel and drop luggage. Have small lunch (on the train they feed you with snacks) and then nature walk to the waterfalls of Mandor, with your guide and shaman. Here we will learn more about “Madre Tierra” (Mother Earth) as seen through the eyes of the indigenous people of this region; and experience a sacred ritual to connect with that earth energy and a group teaching/meditation with the sacred water. Also here will be a great teaching and work energy with the local Shaman as these places has been chosen by the great spirits for you to feel the energy of the Machu Picchu Site before we enter. Also we will have time to take photos of the amazing birds like the Cock-of-the-rock, a national bird. Back to the Hotel and then for Dinner on the as a group. Evening we will have special private permits to enter to the Hot springs for cleaning for the next day enter to the Sacred Site of Machu Picchu. (B, L, D)

  • 8


    After breakfast, your guide will meet you, and together we will take the bus to enter the archaeological site of Machu Picchu, where you will have a 2 – 3 hour guided tour with your guide. Then explore on your own photographing the ruins. After Buffet lunch will be provided at the 5 Star Belmond Sanctuary Hotel –looking at the Sacred Mountains, we will hike to the SunGate or Inka Bridge. And in the afternoon train takes you back to Ollantaytambo, where you will meet your private driver and travel to the Chincheros Market. This traditional weaving community is known for its impressive textile works and artisan products. Here the local artisans will give you an introduction to their handy work including their processes for shearing, dyeing, spooling, and weaving from alpaca. Take advantage of last-minute shopping before you are transferred to Cusco where you check into your hotel in the center of town. This evening, you’ll have time to enjoy the lively Latin music scene in Cusco and enjoy a world-class dinner. (B, L)

  • 9


    Today you will spend learning about the region’s rich cultural history. The day starts with a guided walking tour through Cusco’s craft markets. You will visit the colonial cathedral and Koricancha, the Inca’s Temple of the Sun, before enjoying a delectable lunch of regional cuisine. We will visit the Restaurant of the Universal Heart to serve the kids that walks so far to the school with meal and The afternoon will be spent visiting by private transportation the other significant Inca ruins in the vicinity of Cusco including: the mammoth fortress of Saqsayhuaman above the city, noted for its megalithic stone terraces; Kenko with its distinctive zig zag – patterned carved stone and subterranean altars ; the hillside outpost of Puka Pukara, a small fortress that formerly protected the royal sacred capital of the Incas; and the Tambo Machay water temple that served as royal baths. Late Afternoon sacred music play at the sacred mountains with musicians. Later you will be returned to your hotel for another evening in colonial Cusco. (B, L)

  • 10


    Early pick up at 06:00am from your hotel in Cusco, first you are going to visit the Tipon Ancient Site, which is the temple of the water and the most incredible agriculture laboratory from the Incas after to the province of Quispicanchis, home to magnificent and sacred Ausangate cordillera (Vilcanota range of mountains), the Rainbow Mountains and countless other natural wonders. Along the way we’ll stop at two beautifully colonial churches and scenic lookouts. We’ll arrive at our trek departure point midday, and break for a tasty lunch with our professional cook in Illapampa. Lots of alpacas and llamas, Native families as they don’t have electricity we can bring some solar panel to the people there. After Ascend through dark red mountains, with views of snowy peaks in the close distance. After 4hour hike, we’ll arrive at closer to Vinicunca (K´uychimoqo) pass, directly facing the colorful mountain. Enjoy the evening and the time there under the stars as our ancient families did, dinner will be included and all accommodation as this will be camping. (B, L, D)

  • 11


    This Morning after a great night, we will have a ceremony with our local spiritual leader like our ancestors at this mountain before the crows arrives, morning sunrise and great breakfast with the locals and we will share with them. You will have time to explore on your own, take photos and enjoy incredible views of the Rainbow Mountain; we’ll begin the return hike, to the sacred Valleys of the Qeros. Passing by lakes and lots of great towns. On the way back there will be a stop at the Piki llacta Ancient site, which is amazing and pre-Inca with the most amazing sunset. Good night in Cusco is waiting for you also a Farewell dinner together at a nice Restaurant in with Music and Dance. (B, L, D)

  • 12


    After Breakfast Today you can enjoy Cusco on your own – stroll through its cobblestone streets, poke your head into galleries and meet artists and artisans before you stop for a café on the Plaza de Armas or in the bohemian neighborhood of San Blas. After Lunch on your own you can visit the Choco Museum! Or other places and we will give you a ticket for some attraction places that you can choose to go. Then take a stroll back to your hotel to meet the group and in the late afternoon Transfer you to the Airport for your flight to Lima and them connect Home. (B, L)

Key: (B)reakfast (L)unch (D)inner          

*Please note that exact pick up times and tour start times will be reconfirmed daily with your local guides and Shamans.

HOTELS: Are listed in each day, you can get more information by entering to their Web page; all of them have Wi-Fi in room.

  • Cell Phone, Phone Charger
  • Clock/ alarm / lock your important things at hotels
  • Bank Card authorized
  • Luggage lock
  • Passport
  • Camera
  • Reading and Sun Glasses
  • Cash USD and not broken dollar bills
  • Small day back pack
  • Comfortable walking shoes and shoes you can hike in.
  • Waterproof Jacket
  • Wind proof jacket, mostly clothes for mild weather 60-70 degrees F.
  • Warm jacket, hat and gloves for high altitude evenings.
  • Good camera and extra battery and memory card
  • Good flash light
  • 220/ 110V ( plug) adaptor
  • Insect repellent (you can buy it there if needed)
  • Sun block, sunglasses, hat
  • Some school supplies to share with the children while visiting communities. (Pencils, Pens, notebooks etc.)
  • International airfares.
  • Most Dinners.
  • Extra beverages.
  • Tips. (bellmen, waiters, guides, cooks,  drivers)
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