Pachamama Odyssey – Peru Adventure

11 Day – Machupicchu, Lake titicaca and Galapagos

Charles Darwin Research Station where local scientists rear endemic plants and animals

11 Days

Price: Contact us

Limited to 10 guests


  • Hikes
  • High mountain ascents,
  • Overland, ETC.
  • Private transportation and to and from the airport.
  • Explorations daily with Guide
  • Flight from Lima to Cusco, Lake Titicaca to Lima, Lima to Quito, Quito to Galapagos, Galapagos to Quito.
  • Great Hotels for all nights.
  • All Breakfasts and Lunches. Dinners as noted.
  • Entrance fees to Galapagos and all Peru Sites like to Machu Picchu, Huayna Picchu, Cusco, Sacred Valley, etc.
  • Train and Buses for Machu Picchu.
  • Boat for Lake Titicaca and Galapagos
  • Bottle drinking water every day 
  • 1


    Our Peru tour begins when you are met by our representative in Cusco Airport after your short flight Included to colonial Cusco, in the heart of the Inca Empire. On the way to the Sacred Valley, Magical Tours Peru guide will take you on a quick tour of picturesque Plaza de Armas after this visit the circular terraces of Moray – the Navel of the Earth. At this sacred site we will feel the connection with the three worlds represented by the Condor, Puma and Snake sacred animals. See how our ancestors built an amphitheater-like structure to study different microclimates. We will also visit an amazing salt flats operation en route to Ollantaytambo, and for those who want to stretch their legs and get a little exercise, there is an opportunity to hike down into the valley for a while and meet up with the bus further down the road. Buffet Lunch at Tunupa Restaurant at the Sacred Valley in a Spanish old Hacienda. Then, the next stop is Ollantaytambo site (9,185 ft.), a small town with an impressive Inca fortress, the princess baths and pink granite temples which we will explore. Beautiful hotel and good night. (B, L)

    Note: Ollantaytambo is lower than Cusco which will make it easier to acclimatize to the altitude. For your convenience, we provide water daily.

  • 2


    Begin today with a walking to the train station at Ollantaytambo. The train travels along the scenic the Urubamba River before gaining elevation and mountain views and passing through a magnificent cloud forest before reaching the town of Aguas Calientes. We will take the bus to Machu Picchu the ruins to avoid the crowds and see the sun illuminating the walls of this sacred and magical place. Exploring the mountain citadel of Machu Picchu (7,875 ft.) for about 3 hours. Late Lunch Included near the Ruins. Spend the remain of the day climbing to the gate of the SUN or to the Inca Gate, returning in the late afternoon to the hotel at the ruins and a delicious dinner of regional cuisine included at the Luxury Hotel or Restaurant (Indio Feliz )- MachuPicchu (B, L, D)

  • 3


    Start the day with the unforgettable experience a Machu Picchu sunrise, the best time for photographing the ruins. Continue your explorations, climbing to the sacred peak of Huayna Picchu, Machu Picchu or walking through cloud forest vegetation to reach the Temple of the Moon. Return to the train station for a ride back to Ollantaytambo where you will meet your driver who will take you to the Chincheros artisan market. Here, local artisans explain their craft of textile work, describing their traditional ways of shearing, processing, dyeing, and weaving from alpaca wool. After some last minute shopping, return to Cusco where you are transferred to your hotel and dinner on your own (B, L)

  • 4


    Our next stop is an Incan adventure! Begin with a guided walking tour through Cusco to see the colorful markets, the colonial cathedral and Koricancha, the impressive Temple of the Sun. After a lunch of tasty local dishes, you’ll stop at several prominent Inca sights, including: the megalithic stone fortress of Sacsayhuaman; Kenko, with its carved stone surfaces and subterranean altars; the small Puka Pukara fortress that protected the royal capital from attacks; and an Incan water temple, Tambo Machay. In the late afternoon, you’ll return to the comfort of your hotel to relax or explore further on your own. Accommodation at: (B, L)

  • 5


    Breakfast beginning at 6:00 am. Pickup from the hotel at 7:30 am. On the way we visit Piñi Pampa town and learn how they make the clay tile roofs and also stop Oropesa village to see how make the largest bread, which everyone loves here. After Visit the site of Tipon, also known as the Temple of the Water. Great lunch Kankacho a traditional Sheep cook on a clay oven (they have other options as well). On the way and then visit the site of Racchi also known as the Temple of Wiracocha, the spiritual God of the Incas with impressive store houses and ceremonial fountains. Stop at various attractions on the way like Pukara sites and Museum. Check inn at your beautiful hotel in Lake Titicaca for another night. Dinner on your own in Puno. (B, L)

    Note: Lake Titicaca is at 12,500 ft.

  • 6


    After breakfast, 7:30 a.m. pick up at the hotel for a boat ride to the floating islands. There are 70 islands where the locals still wear the beautiful costumes of their ancestors’ heritage. You will ride on a reed boat like the ancient people used, seeing a diversity of colorful birds. Your boat will take you to the amazing Island Takile. This is a great location to see the Bolivian side of the lake and their part of the Andean snowcapped mountains. Surface elevation of the lake is 12,507 ft. Climb to an ancient temple (2 miles round trip, 650 ft elevation change); have a lunch of local trout on the island of Takile, which is famous for its food and weavings. Back by boat to Puno to pick up all luggage’s and be transport to the airport of Juliaca for your flight back to Lima Airport and to connect to Quito in Ecuador (B, L)

    Note: You will stay at Quito Airport Hotel as you will have some time to realxs before the flight to Galapagos.

  • 7


    After a morning flight from the mainland to San Cristobal Island, we continue to our hotel for an energizing lunch, introductions, and a short overview of our trip. Our Galapagos adventure starts with a visit to the local Interpretation Center where we learn about the unique wildlife, geology, natural history, and social dynamics of the Galapagos.

    Now that we know a little more about the islands we make our way to our first stop, Frigate Hill, where we might spot many of the unique avian species of the Galapagos. As we hike over natural lava rock trails our guides tell us all about the Galapagos cotton, palo santo, acacia, and cacti surrounding us, as well as blue-footed boobies, frigate birds, pelicans, herons, gulls, warblers, mockingbirds and finches that we spot in the vegetation and sea cliffs. In addition to the diverse wildlife, this walking tour provides marvelous views of the rugged coastline and the town of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno below us.

    During the return trip we stop at beautiful Carola Beach for a dip, where we snorkel and swim with sea turtles and sea lions while enjoying a lovely sunset on the beach. We return to the hotel for a gourmet seafood dinner after which you can set out to explore the friendly, laid-back town and visit the colony of endemic Galapagos sea lions next door. (L, D)

  • 8


    Today we explore the northern coast. We either visit Leon Dormido (Kicker Rock), Punta Pitt or Cerro Brujo. The visiting site depends on the week day and the Galapagos National Park regulations. On our exploration trip we make sure to search the nearby coves and cliffs for sea turtles, sea lions, frigate birds, blue-footed boobies, and nazca boobies. Here we have the chance to get up close and personal with sea lions in their favorite playground. As we snorkel, we might see eagle rays, golden rays, Galapagos sharks, starfish, clams, and thousands of tropical fish. If we’re lucky, we may even come across hammerhead sharks. As the sun sets on our day under the waves, we return to the hotel to for a relaxed evening. (B, L, D).

    Key: (B)reakfast (L)unch (D)inner

  • 9


    Our journey continues to Isabela, the largest island in the Galapagos. It´s constantly changing and evolving due to the six shield volcanoes, rendering it one of the most volcanically active spots on the planet. After a short small aircraft flight we settle into our hotel. We then set out on a one-of-a-kind hike that will take us through an incredible variety of coastal ecosystems, along the way we spot giant tortoises, flamingos, and other wildlife as we pass through white sand beaches, the alluring poison apple forest, a gaping lava tube, dark mangroves and brackish lagoons.

    After a nourishing lunch we set out to explore Tintoreras, a group of small islets filled with hidden coves and isolated beaches. Here we find the endemic Galapagos penguin, as well as reef sharks, sea turtles and sea lions. At the end of the day, we retire to our hotel.

    We finish the evening with a delicious dinner and an optional stroll down the expansive beach and the sand streets of idyllic Puerto Villamil. (B, L, D).

  • 10


    An invigorating speedboat ride takes us to our next destination: Santa Cruz Island. Along the way we keep an eye out for whales and dolphins in the ocean around us. After checking in we head to El Chato nature reserve in the Santa Cruz highlands, home to the Galapagos giant tortoise. It is an honor to hike among these fascinating, gentle giants, who on average live to be over 175 years old. El Chato is also home to many pintail ducks, finches, frigate birds, egrets and the beautiful vermillion flycatcher.

    Our hike continues through some incredible lava tunnels created by flowing magma. Legend has it that the buccaneers who once frequented the Galapagos used these deep caves to hide Inca gold plundered from Spanish ships! After some pirate stories from our guides we head up to Los Gemelos, a pair of deep volcanic sinkholes at the high point of Santa Cruz. The path takes us through a forest of endemic Scalesia trees covered in ferns and epiphytes where we’ll keep a lookout for the resident short-eared owl.

    If there is enough time we may visit the Charles Darwin Research Station where local scientists rear endemic plants and animals for educational, scientific, and conservation purposes. We’ll learn about the ongoing conservation efforts to protect the future of the Galapagos.

    In the late afternoon we return to the hotel and get ready to celebrate our once-in-a-lifetime trip with a delicious farewell dinner. We soak up the ambiance of our last night in the Galapagos with magnificent views of the brightly-lit ships in the bay and the town beyond. (B, L, D).

  • 11


    Finally, it’s time bid a fond farewell as we transfer to Baltra Island for our return flight to the mainland to connect to the international airport for your departure home, marking the end of Magical Tours Peru services. If your schedule permits, trip extensions to other regions or extra days in Quito can also be arranged. (B)


This journey is the result of a decade of exploration, research, trailblazing, and planning. Although many of the areas we visit are remote and previously uncharted, our adventure guides assure safe navigation through these secluded natural areas with the expert use of satellite imaging, topographic maps, and GPS technology.


  • Trekking poles
  • High-quality, waterproof hiking boots
  • Waterproof gaiters
  • Water bottle or Camelback
  • Backpack (daypack/weekend size – 15 to 30 liters)
  • Camera
  • Headlamp or flashlight
  • Sunglasses
  • Insect repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Knife (optional)
  • Binoculars (8 x 42 optional)
  • Compass, altimeter, and/or GPS (optional)
  • Dry bag (optional)



Layers are the way to go! A well-planned layering system can keep you comfortable in a sweltering rainforest, high-altitude thunderstorm, and everything in between. Here’s an example of a good layering system for a week-long trip:

  • Two to five lightweight, non-cotton t-shirts
  • One to three lightweight, long sleeve, non-cotton shirts
  • Three to seven pairs non-cotton socks
  • Three to seven pairs non-cotton underwear
  • Warm hat
  • Sun hat
  • Buff, neck gaiter, or scarf
  • Lightweight, non-cotton shorts or swimsuit
  • Two pairs long, non-cotton pants (zip-off legs are handy)
  • Waterproof rain jacket or poncho
  • Lightweight, non-cotton fleece jacket or sweater
  • Heavyweight, non-cotton fleece or down jacket
  • Everyday clothing for relaxing after hikes


NOTE This itinerary is subject to change without notice due to seasonal changes, inclement weather conditions, and adjustments of National Park policies.


TRAVEL TIME: 1 or 2 hours’ drive time per day.

HIKING OR ACTIVITY DURATION: 3 to 7 hours hike per day.

SEASON: All year.

ALTITUDE: 500 to 400 meters (1600 to 13,000 feet).

AVERAGE TEMPERATURE – ANDES: Day 46 ºF to 75ºF / 8 ºC to 24ºC, Night 41ºF to 53ºF / 5 ºC to 12ºC.

AVERAGE TEMPERATURE – AMAZON: Day 68 ºF to 95ºF / 20 to 35ºC, Night 64 ºF to 71ºF / 18 ºC to 22ºC.

NOTE This itinerary is subject to change without notice due to seasonal changes, inclement weather conditions, and adjustments of Galapagos National Park policy. The weight restriction per person for the Inner Island flight from San Cristobal to Isabela is 25 pounds in one piece of luggage.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION BOAT TRAVEL TIME: Two hours SMALL AIRCRAFT FLIGHT TIME: 40 minutes SEASON: Year-round ALTITUDE: 0 – 3,688 feet (1,124 meters) above sea level WEATHER: During the warm season from January to May, air temperature is around 77 to 83 F (25 to 28 C) at sea level. During the cool season from June to December, air temperature is around 70 to 75 F (21 to 24 C) at sea level. Temperature decreases with altitude. WATER TEMPERATURE: During the warm season from January to May, water temperature hovers around 77 F (25 C). During the cool season from June to December, average water temperature is about 72 F (22 C). Water temperature also varies significantly by location. SUGGESTED ITEMS TO PACK: Walking shoes, rain jacket, water bottle, non-cotton trekking clothes, sunblock, sun hat, and repellent.

KEY: (B)reakfast (L)unch (D)inner 

HOTELES: Will be listed in each day, you can get more information by entering to their Web page.

*Please note that exact pick up times and tour start times will be reconfirmed daily with your local guides.

*For more extended tours, it will be our pleasure to help you, just contact us and we will give you the best option.

*Hotel upgrades are available; please contact us to discuss your best options.

  • Cell Phone, Phone Charger
  • Clock/ alarm / lock your important things at hotels
  • Bank Card authorized
  • Luggage lock and Tag
  • Passport
  • Camera
  • Reading and Sun Glasses
  • Cash USD and not broken dollar bills
  • Small day back pack
  • Comfortable walking shoes and shoes you can hike in.
  • Waterproof Jacket
  • Wind proof jacket, mostly clothes for mild weather 60-70 degrees F.
  • Warm jacket, hat and gloves for high altitude evenings.
  • Good camera and extra battery and memory card
  • Good flash light
  • 220/ 110V ( plug) adaptor
  • Insect repellent (you can buy it there if needed)
  • Sun block, sunglasses, hat
  • Some school supplies to share with the children while visiting communities. (Pencils, Pens, notebooks etc.)
  • Food as described
  • Tips, Hotel and restaurant beverages.
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