Pachamama Odyssey – Peru Adventure

10 Day – Service, Machupicchu, Titicaca and Caral

Caral being the fabled ‘Mother City’

10 Days

Price: Contact us

Limited to 10 guests


  • Internal airfares (Lima –Cusco/ Juliaca – Lima) and airport taxes.
  • Private Comfort ground transportation for Cusco Part and Bus to Lake Titicaca and private in Lima to Caral.
  • Assistance in Lima for Check inn flight and transportation if need.
  • All hotel and camping accommodations (double shared basis)
  • Meals as indicated
  • Plentiful, nutritious meals and snacks while on the trek (vegetarian option available)
  • Shaman-trained Guide and expenses
  • Entrance fees for Machu Picchu and all scheduled tours and archaeological sites like Lake Titicaca and Caral.
  • Boat in Lake Titicaca.
  • Cook, Porters and wranglers to carry camping equipment and any excess gear
  • Great Tents
  • Air mattresses
  • Sleeping bags
  • Kitchen, dining and latrine tent
  • Hot water in the morning for washing
  • Drinking water in the community
  • 1Bus tickets between Machu Picchu and MachuPicchu Town
  • Expedition Train ticket
  • First aid and oxygen bottle
  • Bus to Machu Picchu round trip (2)
  • Train fares. (Vista dome)
  • Boat at Lake Titicaca
  • Water daily.
  • Bread and Hot Chocolate to share with the children (optional service)
  • 1


    This morning, we will meet with Rotary Lima for Airline Ambassador’s project. We will also present Rotary with one water filter, symbolic for future water projects with them. Details to be filled in by Nancy and Airline Ambassadors. This afternoon, transfer to the airport for a late afternoon flight. Upon arrival in Cusco, our driver will meet you and transfer you to your hotel in the beautiful neighborhood of San Blas. On the way to the hotel your guide will take you on a quick tour of picturesque Plaza de Armas after this visit rest at the hotel to acclimatize (10,500 ft.), Cusco is a colonial town with Inca remains and impressive Inca fortresses surrounding them. Beautiful hotel and have a restful night. (B, L)

    Note: Coca/Muña teas are available at all hotels and camping which will make it easier to acclimatize to the altitude. For your convenience, we provide water daily.

  • 2


    After breakfast at the hotel, meet with representatives from Cusco Rotary for a meet and greet photo opportunities, etc. Details will be filled in by Alicia. After meeting, we travel 2 hours to the community of Patacancha, where we will do our first water filter installation project.

  • 3


    The next 3 days we will meet the families of three communities, and install water filters in their homes. Communities we will service:

    9/25 – Patacancha
    9/26 – Challhua Ccocha
    9/27 – Chupani

    We will have an incredible cook, tents, etc. and all logistics needed as well we will install filters on each community and we will have the help of Peruvian helpers. Accommodations: Camping in the community. Our chef will prepare all meals onsite. Campfire at night, learn about the southern sky and ancient stories and wisdom, go fishing and hiking on the area, see majestic mountains that are still part of the Andes. etc. also we will try the superfood of the incas, so you can learn about them. Final day celebration and inauguration.(B, L, D)

  • 4


    Back to the town and stay in a hotel and relax in Ollantaytambo. Get your laundry done – maybe go for a hike or explore the town, many choices and food on your own. Sacred River Hotel in Ollantaytambo (B, L)

  • 5


    After a great breakfast, transfer to the train station. Our train travels along the scenic Urubamba River before gaining elevation and mountain views and passing through a magnificent cloud forest before reaching the town of Aguas Calientes and then bus directly to Machu Picchu, Enjoy a 2-hour tour of Machu Picchu by your guide Washi, who will unfold the mysteries of this magical site. After the tour you’ll have free time to explore and take photographs. Lunch provided closer to the ruins and then we will take an afternoon train and then a bus back to your hotel in Cusco. (B, L)

  • 6


    Breakfast beginning at 5:30 am. Pickup from the hotel at 7:30 am. On the way we visit Piñi Pampa town and learn how they make the clay tile roofs and also stop Oropesa village to see how make the largest bread, which everyone loves here. After Visit the site of Tipon, also known as the Temple of the Water. Great lunch Kankacho a traditional Sheep cook on a clay oven (they have other options as well) and then visit the site of Racchi also known as the Temple of Wiracocha, the spiritual God of the Incas with impressive store houses and ceremonial fountains. Stop at various attractions on the way like Pukara sites and Museum. Check inn at your beautiful hotel in Lake Titicaca for another night. Dinner on your own in Puno. (B, L)

    Note: Lake Titicaca is at 12,500 ft.

  • 7


    After breakfast, 7:30 a.m. pick up at the hotel for a boat ride to the floating islands. There are 70 islands where the locals still wear the beautiful costumes of their ancestors’ heritage. You will ride on a reed boat like the ancient people used, seeing a diversity of colorful birds. Your boat will take you to the amazing Island Takile. This is a great location to see the Bolivian side of the lake and their part of the Andean snowcapped mountains. Surface elevation of the lake is 12,507 ft. Climb to an ancient temple (2 miles round trip, 650 ft elevation change); have a lunch of local trout on the island of Takile, which is famous for its food and weavings. Back by boat to Puno to pick up all luggage’s and be transport to the airport of Juliaca for your flight back to Lima to your hotel near the airport. (B, L)

  • 8


    Leave to Caral at 6:00am, this is the OLDEST know city in the Americas. Developed simultaneously with the ancient cultures of mesopotamia and Egypt about 5000 years ago. The archeological site of Caral is among Peru’s most impressive ruins and makes a popular day trip from nearby Lima. The UNESCO World Heritage listed site covers an area of around 60 hectares in the arid Supe Valley. Although initially discovered back in 1948, recent excavations of Caral revealed an elaborate complex of temples, sunken plazas and some of the largest terraced pyramids in the world, leading archeologists to ponder the possibility of Caral being the fabled ‘Mother City’ of ancient civilizations. Now open to the public, the site has garnered acclaim for its beautifully preserved ruins and intriguing collection of artifacts, which include a quipu (a unique knot system used by ancient Andean civilizations) and a number of musical instruments fashioned from animal bones, but significantly, no trace of warfare or weaponry Late afternoon back to Lima to catch your flight to the US (B, L, D)

Key: (B)reakfast (L)unch (D)inner          

*Please note that exact pick up times and tour start times will be reconfirmed daily with your local guides and Shamans.

HOTELS: Are listed in each day, you can get more information by entering to their Web page; all of them have Wi-Fi in room.

  • Cell Phone, Phone Charger
  • Clock/ alarm / lock your important things at hotels
  • Bank Card authorized
  • Luggage lock and Tag
  • Passport
  • Camera
  • Reading and Sun Glasses
  • Cash USD and not broken dollar bills
  • Small day back pack
  • Comfortable walking shoes and shoes you can hike in.
  • Waterproof Jacket
  • Wind proof jacket, mostly clothes for mild weather 60-70 degrees F.
  • Warm jacket, hat and gloves for high altitude evenings.
  • Good camera and extra battery and memory card
  • Good flash light
  • 220/ 110V ( plug) adaptor
  • Insect repellent (you can buy it there if needed)
  • Sun block, sunglasses, hat
  • Some school supplies to share with the children while visiting communities. (Pencils, Pens, notebooks etc.)
  • International airfares.
  • Most Dinners.
  • Extra beverages.
  • (bellmen, waiters, guides, cooks, drivers)
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