Pachamama Odyssey – Peru Adventure

1 Day - Lima City Tour

Monastery of San Francisco

1 Day

Price: Contact us

Limited to 10 guests


  • Private ground transportation (Comfortable Vehicle)
  • All breakfast and lunch (Vegetarian option available)
  • Expert cooking guide.
  • Entrance fees ancient sites
  • Bottle drinking water every day
  • What to bring:
  • Cell Phone, Phone Charger
  • Cash USD and not broken dollar bills Clothes
  • Small day back Pack
  • Battle Water to refuel
  • Comfortable walking shoes and shoes you can hike in.
  • Camera and extra battery and memory card
  • Insect repellent (you can buy it there if needed)
  • Sun block, sunglasses, hat
  • Some school supplies to share with the children while visiting communities. (Pencils, Pens, notebooks etc.)
  • 1


    Enjoy a morning breakfast at the hotel. Your guide and driver will meet you at the hotel and start your diverse tour at Lima Love Park where you will see the ocean and watch the parasailers and surfers. Then you will drive to the Huaca Pucllana Pyramid from the pre Inca Lima culture – incredible original pyramids in the heart of the city that have been built with adobes. Visit the most important museum in South America: The Larco Museum, where you will discover the most extraordinary treasures from ancient Peru. See the beautiful historic colonial buildings in the city center and see how many bones you can count at the catacombs at the Monastery of San Francisco. We will return you back to your hotel where you can enjoy the vibrant neighborhood on your own which comes to life at night. (B, L)

Key: (B)reakfast (L)unch (D)inner

*Please note that exact pick up times and tour start times will be reconfirmed daily with the Guide.

  • Camera or mobile phone: This will allow you to capture photographs of the beautiful landscapes, the ocean, the pyramids, and the treasures at the Larco Museum.

  • Comfortable clothing and footwear: It is recommended to wear lightweight and comfortable clothing as you will be walking and exploring different historical and cultural sites. Additionally, it’s important to have comfortable footwear for walking long distances.

  • Sunscreen and hat: Since part of the tour will be outdoors, it’s essential to protect yourself from the sun. Apply sunscreen and bring a hat or cap to prevent sunburn.

  • Bottled water: Staying hydrated during the tour is crucial. Bringing a reusable water bottle will allow you to have water available at all times.

  • Cash: You may need cash to pay for entrance fees to the tourist sites, purchase souvenirs, or make small purchases during the tour.

  • Extra energy snacks: It’s suggested to bring some snacks or energy bars to recharge during the tour and stay active and energized.

  • City map or guide: If you wish to explore the vibrant neighborhood on your own after the tour, having a map or city guide will help you navigate and discover nearby points of interest.

  • Tips, Hotel and restaurant and beverages.
  • Other services not mentioned.
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